Monday, July 12, 2010

6.27 Minutes With Bobby Okvist

Okay, so after trying and trying to pin him down, we did. Next will be an interview of Zach, another Newps ripper who rushes Wedge as well rips all over. So without further waiting here it is:
Real quick Bobby, what have you been up to ?
Surfing Wedge, Lowers a bunch, Newport And some other places. Aside from that not much, oh yeah working to at Jacks. At night, going to parties, or mostly I am to tired, so hang out with my girlfriend, go to sleep and get ready for next day.

6.25 Minutes With Bobby Okvist

1) T or A ?
A for sure.

2) Last shitty session ?
Lowers, high tide bullshit. Defiantly not worth the walk.

3) So tell me, how do you surf so good when you live in Barstow ?
Waste way to much money on gas, but that is part of the game.

4) When not surfing, Bobby is doing what ..........?
Working, chilling, and hanging with my girlfriend.

5) Last thing you asked your Ouija Board ?
My name, I did it with Jake.

6) What did it tell you and did it scare the shit out of you ?
Can't remember, but I know it was not my name. So no it did not scare the shit out of me, it was lame.

7) Do you like the movie Rambo ?
No clue, WTF is it ? What kind of questions are these ? Rambo WTF ??

8) Any big plans this summer ?
No none at all, welll Wedge Wedge Wedge !!

9) Has the Wedge been calling your name, or not big enough yet ?
Little of both, not huge, but last swell was pretty solid.

10) Favorite World Cup Soccer team ?
Have no clue, don't follow soccer. Again, WTF kind of questions are these ?

11) How is the new movie about you coming along, are you happy with the footage, or is the video guy a tool ?
Not enough footage yet, got to get more. ( Hint Hint !! ) Working on it, but it is looking pretty good so far. Yeah and the guy is kinda a kook, but he is alright.

12 ) Favorite move ?

13 ) Not surfing, on the females ?
I have a girlfriend

14) Favorite food ?
Moms chili

15) Any last words for your fans or the groms ?
Yeah, don't snake me.

16) Tell us about that video of you and that Wedge wave, what happened ?
Oh yeah, I knew that question was a coming. I think it was like my second wave, I saw it coming in and asked that sponger next to me if he was on it. He said no no go go !!! Well after everybody who was on beach and in water yelling and screaming go go !! And you where there I know videoing, so shit, had to go. And I am not one to let a wave like that go by, so I went. I scratched and scratched to get into it. Right before I got to my feet, it jacked up. By the time I got to my feet, I knew I was screwed. So I jumped off my board. If you watch it in slow mo I fell right into the trough. It is funny, watching it in slow mo, that is how it felt, like I was falling forever in slow motion. So it actually pushed me through the back, thats why I popped up laughing. It did actually knock the wind out of me. So yeah, thats what happened.

17) Well that is one hell of a wave, big balls and big respect !!
Questions and video clips by : Lippy
Pictures by : Ben Ginsberg, Driftwood Photography Studio

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